Avannis is the preferred service provider for experience and satisfaction feedback—for both the customer and the employee. Dedicated to assisting banks since the 90s, Avannis administers the membership benefit that covers all setup costs for any of the 30+ surveys. ICBA membership literally saves your bank thousands in setup fees, and levels the playing field with your larger FI competitors. Most banks include feedback/NPS collection from many touchpoints and transactions in their customer experience program. With no contract, you can start listening actively to all of your customer segments. The Avannis/ICBA program fits banks with 2 branches, and 290 branches equally. Avannis offers every methodology technologically possible to reach customers, along with rich benchmarks not available anywhere else. Most clients also include social media integration (so you are generating more organic reviews as you listen).
ICBA membership cost saving examples when building a voice of the customer program:
10 branches: $12,000 in setup costs COVERED WITH ICBA DUES (leaving the bank with $0 setup cost), + 22% lower fees, paid per-complete, with no minimum/no contract
192 branches: $32,000 in setup costs COVERED WITH ICBA DUES (leaving the bank with $0 setup cost), + 22% lower fees, paid per-complete, with no minimum/no contract