Knowing What Vendor Documents to Collect to Assess Cybersecurity
Knowing What Vendor Documents to Collect to Assess Cybersecurity

PostedTuesday, September 5, 2023 at 4:51 PM

Updated9/5/2023 4:51:14 PM

As cybersecurity continues to be a top concern, you’ll need to know what vendor cybersecurity documents to collect and assess. With there being a wide variety of cybersecurity documents available, requesting these documents from your vendors can seem like a daunting task. However, this process can be made a little easier when you understand the specific topics that need to be covered, as well as know what you’re looking for in advance. Download the infographic to learn: • Information to that will help you know what needs to be collected and assessed for vendor cybersecurity risk • The three different types of categories of cybersecurity documents to collect from your vendor • Where to look for you vendor cybersecurity information

As cybersecurity continues to be a top concern, you’ll need to know what vendor cybersecurity documents to collect and assess. With there being a wide variety of cybersecurity documents available, requesting these documents from your vendors can seem like a daunting task. However, this process can be made a little easier when you understand the specific topics that need to be covered, as well as know what you’re looking for in advance. Download the infographic to learn: • Information to that will help you know what needs to be collected and assessed for vendor cybersecurity risk • The three different types of categories of cybersecurity documents to collect from your vendor • Where to look for you vendor cybersecurity information

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